start up business accountant

start-up business accountant

Do you need an accountant for your start-up business?

One of our passions is to guide entrepreneurs on their path to success, particularly in the crucial area of a start-up business. It’s a stimulating adventure, albeit fraught with pitfalls. As a chartered accountant, our role is to accompany you every step of the way, transforming complex challenges into clear and affordable opportunities.


As your start-up chartered accountant, a personalized approach is taken to every entrepreneurial project. Our priority is understanding your vision, objectives and specific needs. Support extends from the ideation to the realization of your business project, with particular attention to aligning every decision with your long-term ambitions.

start-up business accountant


Feasibility Study and Business Plan

The in-depth analysis is the starting point for validating the viability of your project, followed by the development of a robust business plan, which serves as a roadmap and communication tool with stakeholders.

Choice of Legal Structure

Advice is provided on the legal form best suited to your project, taking into account tax, social and economic aspects. Clients receive personalized recommendations based on their social and asset situation, to help them choose the most appropriate corporate structure.

Administrative Support

We facilitate all administrative procedures, from registration to obtaining all necessary approvals and authorizations.

Financial Strategy and Search for Financing

A network of banks ready to examine your file is at your disposal. A sound financial strategy is defined for you, with assistance in mobilizing the necessary financial resources, whether through bank loans, subsidies or capital investment.

Setting up Accounting and Management Tools

We configure your accounting system and supply the management tools you need to monitor your business effectively.

Consulting and Training

We guarantee preparation for future entrepreneurial roles, with the transmission of essential knowledge and skills in management, taxation and business law.

start-up business accountant


  • Multidisciplinary expertise
  • Results-oriented approach
  • Extensive network
  • Personalized support

RODEC, a start-up business accountant, is convinced that the key to the success of your entrepreneurial project lies in expert, personalized support. Contact us to turn your business vision into reality and lay the foundations for your future success.

Let us get your start-up business on the map


How long does it take to set up a startup?

The time required varies according to the complexity of the project and the administrative formalities involved. We can help you optimize the process and get your business up and running as quickly as possible.

How much do you charge as accountant for start-up businesses?

Our fees are based on the nature and complexity of your project. We offer a free initial consultation to assess your needs and provide you with a personalized quote.

Are there any grants or subsidies available for my project?

Absolutely. We can guide you in identifying and applying for the financial aid for which you are eligible.

The best start-up business accountant


2 bis rue de Villiers 92300 Levallois Perret



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